Sharon Springs Methodist Church
Thursday, March 13, 2025
Sharon Springs
Methodist Church
520 W. 6th Street
P.O. Box 339
Sharon Springs, KS 67758     
phone 785-852-4734
Sunday School
9:00 A.M. (MT)
Sunday Worship Service
10:00 A.M. (MT)
Pastor's Office hours are
Monday through Thursday
9 A.M.-12 P.M.  and 1-5 P.M.
Office hours are
Wednesday through Thursday 
 9 A.M.-12 P.M.
and 1-5 P.M.  Friday 9 A.M.-12 P.M.



Worship is at the center of all that we do at Sharon Springs United Methodist Church. We feature a blended worship service that offers something for everyone. On Sunday mornings, it is not uncommon to see our youth singing the old standard hymns, while our elderly members join in during Praise songs.
In 2000, the congregation took leave from the old building that had served them for 78 years and moved into a new, modern facility. The large sanctuary seats over 200, and the adjoining fellowship hall features large glass windows and a sound system if the sanctuary becomes full.
While moving into a larger, more modern facility was important, it was also important to bring the "great cloud of witnesses" into the new building. The memorial windows from the old building were installed in the sanctuary with lighting behind them. Now as we worship, we are reminded of the saints who established this church and made it possible for us to worship there today.
For smaller services and other events, the church has a chapel. The chapel is used for a number of different activities throughout the year, including Sunday School opening activities each Sunday morning, as well as meetings and Bible studies.
Our main purpose is to worship God. We strive to do so in a number of different ways that appeal not only to God, but also to those who are worshiping with us. We have something for you - please join us!