Sharon Springs Methodist Church
Thursday, March 13, 2025
Sharon Springs
Methodist Church
520 W. 6th Street
P.O. Box 339
Sharon Springs, KS 67758     
phone 785-852-4734
Sunday School
9:00 A.M. (MT)
Sunday Worship Service
10:00 A.M. (MT)
Pastor's Office hours are
Monday through Thursday
9 A.M.-12 P.M.  and 1-5 P.M.
Office hours are
Wednesday through Thursday 
 9 A.M.-12 P.M.
and 1-5 P.M.  Friday 9 A.M.-12 P.M.


Christian Education

We offer a comprehensive Christian Education Program with something for everyone!
Sunday School
We have Sunday School classes for all ages. Our children's classes are designed to provide a solid foundation for the student's devotional life. We also offer a youth class and two adult classes. Our students all gather in the Chapel for Opening Activities where they sing and pray together prior to going to their own classes. Sunday School is a fun and creative way to learn more about God and the lessons and stories of the Bible!
Bible Studies
We offer periodic Bible Studies on a variety of different topics. Past studies have included issues related to grace, aging, and Bible exploration through video lessons. We usually offer Bible Studies at two locations - at the church, and also at Prairie Village, a retirement community. That way the residents can enjoy the Bible Studies without having to travel to the church.
Confirmation Classes

Every other year, the middle school youth in our church are offered Confirmation Classes. These classes are designed for the students to prepare themselves to become full professing members of the United Methodist Church. In addition to the students, parents are also included in activities, plus the students are required to select a non-family church member to serve as mentor during the class and beyond. It is the goal of the class to provide information to the students that will enable them to answer the questions of membership on their own. If you are interested in Confirmation Classes, please contact the Pastor for more information.

Pre-Marital Counseling
We recommend all couples preparing for marriage in our church to participate in Pre-Marital Counseling. This is offered by the Pastor, and covers a large number of topics in a Christian manner. There are usually two or three sessions necessary to complete the full curriculum. Sessions will be scheduled at the convenience of all involved. Please contact the Pastor for more information.