Sharon Springs Methodist Church
Thursday, March 13, 2025
Sharon Springs
Methodist Church
520 W. 6th Street
P.O. Box 339
Sharon Springs, KS 67758     
phone 785-852-4734
Sunday School
9:00 A.M. (MT)
Sunday Worship Service
10:00 A.M. (MT)
Pastor's Office hours are
Monday through Thursday
9 A.M.-12 P.M.  and 1-5 P.M.
Office hours are
Wednesday through Thursday 
 9 A.M.-12 P.M.
and 1-5 P.M.  Friday 9 A.M.-12 P.M.



The music program at SSMC offers many opportunities for participation. We offer the following activities:
Keyboard Performance - we have an electronic organ, an upright piano, and an electronic keyboard available for Worship. These instruments are used to accompany hymn singing, choir performance, for special music or to accompany groups and individuals.
Generations Choir - our regular Sunday Morning Generations Choir includes singers from high school age on up. This choir sings once per month. Rehearsals are held most Sunday mornings immediately after Worship.
Children's Choir - our Children's Choir sings once per month. In addition, they also provide special programs for Christmas and Mother's Day. Children from all over the community participate in our choir. Choir is open to students ages 4 to 8th grade.
Special Music - we welcome anyone of any age or ability level to perform special music for us during Worship. Please contact the pastor for more information
Evening of Praise - from time to time, we schedule an Evening of Praise concert. These usually occur on Sunday evenings. During these concerts, we have special music performances from within and outside of the church community. In addition, we can usually throw in a good hymn sing! Often these concerts are to raise funds for someone or something in need. When that happens, there is usually a meal that is also served, and donations are accepted from those who attend.